Pillar of the Community
Latest News
Mutually informing and beneficial connections between the CSUDH campus and communities – local, global, and virtual – will be a fundamental strength and a crucial part of our work to facilitate pathways to success and socioeconomic mobility for students and to help our communities thrive.
Goal: CSUDH will intentionally coordinate, promote, and assess community engagement activities in order to better understand the university’s role and impact in the community and the ways in which the community impacts and shapes the university.
Key Activities:
- By Spring 2023, the campus will create and charge a university-wide community engagement committee to coordinate and assess community engagement;
- By Spring 2024, the community engagement coordinating committee will compile a comprehensive list of all community engagement activities and partners;
- By Spring 2025, the community engagement coordinating committee will develop and implement an annual event designed for departments and programs to share their community engagement work, discuss best practices, and address pressing issues or topics;
- By Fall 2026, the campus will strategically collaborate with community partners to increase enrollment for underrepresented student subpopulations; and
- By Fall 2028, the community engagement coordinating committee will collaborate with IT to develop a community engagement database that will allow the campus to align and leverage our various community engagement activities;
- By Fall 2029, the campus will develop and begin implementing a plan to assess the impact of our community engagement efforts.